Friday, October 24, 2014

Hello, today I’m going to talk about an artist that called ORLAN.  She is a French artist, born 30 May of 1947 in Saint-Etienne, Loire; but nowadays she lives and works in Los Angeles, New York and Paris. Her real name is Mireille Suzanne Francette Porte, but, she always sign her work has “ORLAN” in capital letters. She is famous because of her performance work with plastic surgery in the early to mid-1990s, but she had a lot of other different art work that could be interesting to check out. 

I her beginnings in 1964, she used to work the performance art with some exercise that she called “Marches au ralenti” in which she walked in slow motions march between two central parts of her home town Saint-Étienne. Then in 1965 she  performend the “MesuRages” in which she use her own body as a measuring instrument and measure how many people she could find using her "Orlan-body" as a unit of measurement.

 In 1978 her performance “the Head of Medusa” was really controversial too,  she used the well know Freud’s phrase  "at the sight of the vulva, even the devil runs away, ” and  displayed her sexual organs under a magnifying glass during menstruation at the Museum Ludwig in Aachen.

In 1971 she baptized herself as  “Sainte-Orlan” a  conceptual name that she will developed later in the 90’ in her famous and renowned art work “the reincarnation of Saint Orlan”, that involves a series of plastic surgeries that transformed herself into elements from paintings and sculptures of women in the art history, as a part of that later would be  her 'Carnal Art' manifesto.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Hello, today I’m going to talk about a book that I’m reading that is called “Cerda punk”.  Cerda punk´s about an anarchist feminist girl who wrote a “fat manifest”, because she is so tired about all the stereotype of skinny body and healthy life.  Actually she is a vegetarian, so she is not fat because she eats junk food like the most of the people could think about her, if she is fat, is because there is more than a “correct type of body” that you can have, and think that the thin human body is the normal body is something that the capitalist society make us believe.  
  This girl, who wrote the book, call herself as “Missogina”, but her real name is Constanza Alvarez Castillo. She is a Chilean girl, who grow up in Valparaiso, under the pressure of are patriarchal and chauvinist culture.   In her book she use her own story, for give us examples of what we (Chilean people) do around people who is not “fit” in the norm.

I think that this is a really interesting reflection around how our bodies are a place that is really normed by society, because our anatomy is a place normed by the bio politics that take us the sovereignty, converting it in a place that don´t belong to us.  It’s not only the things that we eat, or how do we eat, there is a lot of other things around our bodies that we cannot decide too, like abortion, euthanasia, transgenic  food, drugs,  etc., etc. 

 cooming soon

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hello bloggers, today I'm going to talk about my friend Gabriela, who I really miss because she is living in Australia now.
We became friends in college, when I was studying art, we used talk a lot about art and aesthetic and we like similar things about it. We share a lot of ideas and enjoy of the artwork of each other. But art wasn't the only subject that we was passionate about it, we also share musical taste, fashion style, friends in common, places that we used to go to party, etc, etc.
Two year ago, she met an Aussie boy, called David who stole her heart and took her to live in Australia (the happy island). Now she have a baby girl, called Mia, and they live happily ever after in Sydney. Gabriela and Mía came to visit Chile, last month, so, I met her daughter Mía. She is a sweet little baby, who has the blue eyes of her father and the brown hair of her mother.
When we get together a month ago, Gabriela and I catch up from all the thing that are going on in our lives. We both are doing our things, creating art pieces, studying psychology and making performances in my case, and being in love and living the adventure of settle in and other country in her case.

well that's all folks, see you next time ! Bye, bye!


Friday, September 26, 2014

In my opinion to choose someone as the greatest Chilean of all time, is too hard to handle…
But any way, it suppose that I have to write something and using this obligatory blog space, so  I would like to talk about “ Hija de Perra.”

Victor Hugo “Wally” Perez Peñaloza, best known by her character “hija de perra” was a transvestite, drag queen, singer, model, designer and performance artist, who also was an activist for sexual dissident rights, for feminist rights and  for the queer rights.  Her character “Hija de perra” is very known  in the field of political arts not only in Chile, but in a lot of Countries of Latin America, and even Spain.

She star in the movie “empanada de pino” directing by Edwin Oyarce, an original and bizarre Chilean film.  In the music fields, the song “Nalgas con olor a caca” (that she usually sing whit Irina la Loca, her best friend and work partner) becomes in a real hit in the underground world parties, but most of all as a slogan for dissident life!  Lol!

The first time that I so her performing a live, she was in ICEI, singing that song in the middle of the yard, at lunch time, she was invited to a university dissident band festival, I was really amaze!  
The second time, was in the Capri cinema for Dildo Rosa post porno art festival, she and Irina was the presenters, and their show was really fun black humor to see!   

But I never had the chance of meet her and talk her in person.  Victor Hugo past away the 25th August of this years, causes the Queer world a real grieve, but “Hija de perra” legacy will be live forever. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Hello, today I’m goin to talk about a TV show that I used to watch on TV when I was a teenager, called Buffy the vampire slayer. Last summer a find the dvd of the first season and a watch it again, and a liked just like the first time.

Buffy was a blonde girl, transfer from her last school for bad behavior, (or that’s what people thought about it) to a new school called  Torrance High school in Sunnydale town. Buffy was the type of girl that could be the popular girl, the pretty blonde cheerleader, but her attitude was different. 

She had a secret, that can’t share with her mother, who asked her self what she was doing wrong, that her child was always in trouble and expelled from all the schools that she attend.  Buffy’s secret was that she was a vampire slayer.

 In this new school she meets a weird English man who was the librarian,called Rupert Giles,  who knew about her condition of been the chosen one for the job on slaying vampires and help her in that task, by training her, etc., etc.  Also she made friends,  Xander and Willow, both of them are misfits in the school, but they find out about the vampires and offer their help  in things like research, used the Internet ( in that time was a nerd thing to do) etc., etc. 

She also meets Cordelia, who is a brat mean girl, who treated to make her life impossible. But most important of all she meets in an underground club that her friend used to go, a guy called Angel, who turns out to be the love of her life.  But the tragedy of that love is that he is a vampire who poses a soul, so he is not a bad guy, but he is not human either. 

I hope you guys watch the series and like as much I do, enjoy it! 

Friday, August 29, 2014

Hello, today  I want to talk about movies, because I think my self like a real fan of cinema and I would like to ask you guys,  Which is your favourite movie in the world?
Im my case, I don’t have clear which is my favourite movie, because I like so many! but I can make a top five list of them, like John Cusack did with records in the movie High fidelity.

In the place number  5 of my own like list ( nothing seriously anyway)  I would say … well is hard to pick only five movies,  but I would choose " ExistenZ".  Existenz  is a science fiction body horror film,  directed by David Cronenberg in 1999. They main charters are star in by Jennifer Jason Leigh and Jude Law.  In this movie the characters get in to a virtual world, by connected them self to an organic console through a bio- portal that they have in their backs. The virtual reality of the game mess up with their minds, so in the end they don’t know what part of the game is anymore and which part is the reality.

In number four I would say “Trainspotting,” well everybody know this movie, but in the case that you don´t know, is a comedy –drama film, Directed by Danny Boyle, about a Scottish junkie boy  and his friends.

In number three I choose “The lost boys” this is an 80's vampire movie, with  Kiefer Sutherland and Jason Patric, star in both as vampires, I love them!  

In number two of my list, it's “Velvet goldmine”, It would be my number one, but then I saw other movie that just blow my mind. Any way this movie it’s about. Velvet goldmine is a British drama film Directed by Todd Haynes, about Glam Rock during the early 70’s, Star in by Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Ewan McGregor and Christian Bale. The film have fictional characters base it in the lives of  David Bowie,  Lou Reed and  Iggy Pop. 

Finally in my number one place,  of my top five movies, is “The pillow book “ Direct by Peter Greenaway and star in by Ewan Mcgregor an Vivian Wu. Is a really beautiful movie, I don't have words to described, so you guys have to see it! enjoy it!!!!